alhamdulillah. syukur ana kehadarat ilahi krn masih lag brd dlm 2 nikmat tbsr nikmat iman dan nyer... huh...agak 2 minggu dh x pos.. biase lar tu bdak asrama... xsmpt nk pg makmal kom...
alhamdulillah....dpt sudah semua keputusan sem1.... miggu lps ade jalinan mesra... and my result coudn't be any better than anas aj... he always ahead of me... but quite satisfy with the result even though my usaha is not that much.. (not to blagak or menunjuk2 for some of you but i want share the moral of my life....) (mengajak mns kpd allah dengan hikmah dan PENGAJARAN YG BAIK).... 8a 7b isn't that bad for others but for me i didn't reach my target(10a) .... ..... with no serius preparation at all before the exam... busy with the making hari guru video...spent all my and adam time making up the video..... sleeping in class.... football every evening..... chatting during preparation....not brp fokus sgt kt kls.... not touching a book aweek before exam... mssd football l18.... trying to accept that we did not playing in the final......and many others... i yakin and percaya... allah have helped me even though i only help allah a little... but i believe there is a lot of hikmah behind it...
alhadulillah selesai sudah ucapan utk pr smih 2009. mungkin ade hikmahnyer start awal rather than lambat.... rase agk lege skit.... tp bile teringat rase menyirap plak... mane x menyirapnyer mic madah skat2 jerk... couldn't be any worse it was my first time speeching in front of the pupils...anyway every big thing start with small thing....for now i just istiqamah with my style of behaviour..... this will increase the chance of not getting the amanah... maybe it's too heavy for me to lift the amanah.... but i believe others are more qualify ... so i hope all of you can vote the yg layak...
and hopefully, i hope you all can dua for us ( al-qossam fc, ,anas,ammar,ariep,amri,shairie,muttaqeen and shairie) the best in futsal tournament at larkin(apollo)... with this i yakin wa believe islam as the only way of life will be spread to masyarakat and raise the awareness among them..... dua for me not to get nervous.,...
for now this is the end....
Selongkar lagi...
alhamdulillah. syukur ana kehadarat ilahi krn masih lag brd dlm 2 nikmat tbsr nikmat iman dan nyer... huh...agak 2 minggu dh x pos.. biase lar tu bdak asrama... xsmpt nk pg makmal kom...
alhamdulillah....dpt sudah semua keputusan sem1.... miggu lps ade jalinan mesra... and my result coudn't be any better than anas aj... he always ahead of me... but quite satisfy with the result even though my usaha is not that much.. (not to blagak or menunjuk2 for some of you but i want share the moral of my life....) (mengajak mns kpd allah dengan hikmah dan PENGAJARAN YG BAIK).... 8a 7b isn't that bad for others but for me i didn't reach my target(10a) .... ..... with no serius preparation at all before the exam... busy with the making hari guru video...spent all my and adam time making up the video..... sleeping in class.... football every evening..... chatting during preparation....not brp fokus sgt kt kls.... not touching a book aweek before exam... mssd football l18.... trying to accept that we did not playing in the final......and many others... i yakin and percaya... allah have helped me even though i only help allah a little... but i believe there is a lot of hikmah behind it...
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن تَنصُرُوا اللَّهَ يَنصُرْكُمْ وَيُثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَكُمْ
Artinya : “Hai orang-orang mukmin, jika kamu menolong (agama) Allah, niscaya Dia akan menolongmu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu.” (QS. Muhammad : 7)
وَلَيَنصُرَنَّ اللَّهُ مَن يَنصُرُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَقَوِيٌّ عَزِيزٌ
Artinya : “Sesungguhnya Allah pasti menolong orang yang menolong (agama)-Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha kuat lagi Maha perkasa,” (QS. Al Hajj : 40)
alhadulillah selesai sudah ucapan utk pr smih 2009. mungkin ade hikmahnyer start awal rather than lambat.... rase agk lege skit.... tp bile teringat rase menyirap plak... mane x menyirapnyer mic madah skat2 jerk... couldn't be any worse it was my first time speeching in front of the pupils...anyway every big thing start with small thing....for now i just istiqamah with my style of behaviour..... this will increase the chance of not getting the amanah... maybe it's too heavy for me to lift the amanah.... but i believe others are more qualify ... so i hope all of you can vote the yg layak...
and hopefully, i hope you all can dua for us ( al-qossam fc, ,anas,ammar,ariep,amri,shairie,muttaqeen and shairie) the best in futsal tournament at larkin(apollo)... with this i yakin wa believe islam as the only way of life will be spread to masyarakat and raise the awareness among them..... dua for me not to get nervous.,...
for now this is the end....